Deep Dream

“Every dream is a present fact in the eternal consciousness of the Immanent Omnipresent Spirit”

Deep Dream

“The good and pure sleep a quiet blissful sleep, full of happy visions of earth-life and have no consciousness of being already forever beyond that life.”(Mahatma Letters)
“Many men arrive in the astral world in utter ignorance of its conditions, not realizing at first that they are dead, and when they do realize it fearing the fate that may be in store for them, because of false and wicked theological teaching.” (C. W. Leadbeater)

After Life – The Journey

“When still alive, the man usually has two types of energy in it: the man on the right and the woman on the left. These two poles, positive and negative, cause an energy flow and keep the body in motion (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna). At the moment of transition, the polarity disappears. At this point, the mind vanishes. The dualities that make up the structure of the mind, positively and negatively, merge and annihilate. The mind is completely empty and contains nothing.” (Bardo Thödol-Tibetan Book of the Dead)

Imaginary Art - Deep Dream
After-Life - The Journey
Imaginary Art - The Journey

Is There Anybody Out There?

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