Computer Generated Art
Digital Art & Technology is an inevitable fact in all spheres of human life, also an intensive intervention in the Fine Arts. Artists are increasingly exploiting medium in itself or as a tool for the creation of art objects, which can still be termed with traditional expressions of paintings, drawings, graphics, and add a prefix of a computer. When artist, thoroughly familiar with the software, can lead us to a wide variety of expressive forms. Sometimes artworks clearly reveal features that are possible only with the help of digital media. On the other hand, its language and aesthetics, and sometimes the interventions are so subtle, that without access to the procedure, it is hard to define as a computer artwork.
The density and intensity of the story scenes are like living, growing tissue, which is dictated by the experienced fantasy of the subject. Cosmic and Terrestrial landscapes, symbols, and icons … are either in the turbulent circles, the energy centers, or, conversely, expand and grow outward. Allegorically intimate stories appear in many levels of composition in which, the mixing of rational and irrational, past and present, elements of myth, fairy tales, history, fiction, prevails.
The digital platform also enables a wide use of manufacturing artworks. Allows to the artist of the original work, reproducing of identical copies, of the same quality in various forms and spreading the artworks across the world. When a manual traditional painting approach is replaced by a computer it comes to new techniques and procedures, which include 3D graphics, collage, installation, photography, airbrush. Regarding the final product – the artist’s Surrealistic images, there is a sense of reaching the final borders of an imaginary world.
Digital Art Association exhibitions represent us computer graphics, or components in the form of limited edition digital prints, of large sizes and with original paintings, created in the technique of watercolors and airbrushes. These works are manifested as a unique blend of art techniques and media of the artist’s personal world. They stem from a concept of art, which brings together the technological aspect of the expressive-imaginative surrealism in the analytically-experimental approach. All artworks are the result of long, solitude, and patient work. Enthusiasm for the process is condensed into permanent images, which are saturated with the fine arts and narrative elements. They open us to the artist’s entirely personal, deep meditative perception of the world.